The Theater
Linocut 11" x 14"
This creation of this image was an exploration of a style of print making pioneered by a handful of British printmakers during the early to mid 20th century, Most notably Cyril Power, & Sybil Andrew.
Don Quixote
Relief Print 8"x10"
Don Quixote is a character that has always captured my imagination. It is a motif that I find myself coming back to periodically, trying new ways to capture the essence of the character. This single layer print is the result of a nearly year long process, evolving from sketch to digital composition, to screen print, finally to traditional relief print. 
The Devil and the Mortician
This set of prints, titled "The Devil & the Mortician," was created for my Advanced Printmaking class at the University of Minnesota. The project: create a series or set of prints, three or more, that were thematically connected. I chose to create an eight-panel illustrated short story, titled, “The Devil and the Mortician.”
This is a five layer relief print cut in plywood that I cut and printed an edition of 24 in 2017. I later printed a second edition of 24 in 2019. 
Squid Print
Squid Print
The Circus
The Circus
The Ent
The Ent
Minneapolis Noir
Minneapolis Noir
Don Quixote: Portrait of a Young Man
Don Quixote: Portrait of a Young Man
The Bee Lab
The Bee Lab
The Faces
The Faces